MY SEA IS WIDE, by Rowland Evans ISBN# 978-0-9555283-4-7 CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW In this beautifully lyrical work with great depth of insight, Rowland Evans explores his experiences in both Wales and the Far East, especially China. Moving into the segment of his life beyond 70, with his eager youth and power-filled middle years behind him, and the more rugged missionary work now past his season, Rowland searches for - and discovers - a continued meaning for his later years, and an on-flowing usefulness to man and to God. He takes us on a journey with him to the scatterlings of China and Tibet, and while you are yet an armchair-traveller, your life will be changed forever. One man's journey, in his 70th year, to rediscover purpose. ROWLAND EVANS has led a truly remarkable life, but his 70th year saw his driven, purposeful walk brought to an abrupt halt amidst the concerns and attitudes of the world to those "of a certain age". In this lyrical yet hard-hitting book, Rowland digs deep to face the hard questions: was this truly a time to stop, to retire, to douse the flame? Or was it simply a sea change, a new opportunity, a new doorway, through which awaited new anointings? The backdrop to his intense journey includes fabulous glimpses of China and Tibet, as well as Wales, and their own peoples and characters. "My Sea is Wide", with its beautiful literary prose, challenges, enthralls, entertains, teaches, enlightens, and opens new worlds and new possibilities to the reader's imagination. In Wales, his beloved homeland, Rowland has built two world missionary movements: World Horizons and Nations, the latter of which has assisted in the founding of several indigenous African and Asian missionary movements. His inspirational teaching has reached thousands on every continent. He is loved and respected around the world by people in many cultures, but it is to China and Tibet that he returns to time after time. Now in his early seventies, Rowland is enjoying his recommission as an author with a vision to write books for the world's emerging nations. This book is one of them.
Endorsements for "My Sea Is Wide": Rowland Evans portrays, with bardic skill, the journey into meaning that we all face. He combines the earthiness of his soldier background with the vision of a poet. His unrelenting honesty is tempered by the beauty he sees in the forms and faces in his homeland Wales, and in the mystery yet humanity he explores in little known stretches of China and Tibet. The contemplative steps of the inner journey weave a rich tapestry around a fascinating travelogue. He points to landmarks in our humanity, and, though we may have seen them on many occasions, we gasp at what they now reveal. Rowland allows us to come with him into his new beginning. His gentle humour often probes the meaning behind the bizarre. He has the ability to see beyond the overwhelming, to the individual, interpreting to us the value of each life. He writes of layers of realities, often provoking more questions than answers. Through his search, his excitement, his pain, and ultimately his faith in the One who will allow him to be totally who he is, we are strengthened a little to face our own new beginnings.—Gail Dixon, Director, Nations Trust It is a rare privilege to be allowed into the inner workings of an artist's soul. No less expressive than the delicately crafted Chinese characters that he describes … this glimpse into how faith and dreams combine with weakness and vulnerability to build history. Drink deeply – Rowland's honest account of his relentless pursuit of God's purposes in this world will surely inspire and challenge you to find and navigate your own "Wide Sea". —Neil Rees, International Director, World Horizons I believe that there is no great man of God, there is just a man who walks with a great God. Praise our God who lives in this ordinary man. You can sense his humble and wise attitude from the very first page of this book. Rowland is a living example who has a passion for God and compassion for the nations. If you were looking for a mentor or model for your life as a missionary, this is it! —Maria Jin , Journalist, New Wine Magazine, South Korea Rowland Evans is a man of character and wide experience who has sought to put pen to paper and record one challenging year of his life – his seventieth. The story is fascinating, full of the unexpected and at times unbelievable events that happen to any person who places their life’s destiny into the hands of the One-True Living God. Rowland, with the spirit of a true Welshman, has done just that, and given back to the world some of the gift of life he has received. The story makes compelling reading for those who love something different, and is full of the beauty of a special place (Wales) that exists in the nations of the world. —Dr Kevin Dyson, President of New Covenant International University and Seminary, Lake Worth, USA Rowland's book is imaginative, poetic and descriptive. It falls between several genres: travel book, spiritual guide and autobiography. I felt as though I was walking the streets of China and Wales with him. Most of all I found it deeply challenging, as Rowland unfolds the story of the destiny of a nation and his part in it. A must-read for all those who feel they have come to the end of the road. There is more! —Gareth Jones, UK Director, World Horizons Very powerful, and the power accumulates as it progresses, which is as it should be. —Bill Davis, author The writing stimulated my imagination and your allegorical, symbolic and indirect description impressed me like poetry. You tried not to confront but indirectly corrected the reader’s understanding. I was able to read in you a blend between Hudson Taylor’s aggressive spirit and Henry Nouwen’s contemplative spirit. —Miss Jong Sook Ahn, Editor of Plus Life, published by David Yonggi Cho of Yoido Full Gospel Church, Korea BOOK DETAILS: ISBN# 978-0-9555283-4-7 Release date: 20th April 2009 RRP: £11.00 Publisher: Sunpenny Publishing Paperback: 256 pages (total) Language: English Dimensions: 13.2 x 19.7 x 1.4 cm TO ORDER "My Sea Is Wide": Our special introductory discount prices - INCLUDING POSTAGE: UK/Eire £7.00, Europe £8.50, USA & REST OF WORLD £10.00 (REGULAR RETAIL PRICE £11.00) Please note: Orders will be posted after 20th April, the official release date. ORDER ONLINE, OR BY POST - SEE BELOW: ORDER ONLINE: Choose your delivery address (price includes postage): | UK & Eire Addresses £7.00 Europe Addresses £8.50 USA and Rest of World £10.00 | TO ORDER BY POST, with payment by cheque or by postal/ money order (GB Pounds or Euros Only please!): Sunpenny Publishing - ORDERS Staithe View Horse Fen Road Ludham Norfolk NR29 5QG UNITED KINGDOM